We have been supporting Persons with Disabilities for 10 + years in Customized Employment. Our team specializes in disability management, customized employment and job coaching. We currently have a 93% placement rate with many of our clients maintaining their initial employment placement for over 2 years. We begin with the client in Discovery, where we will partner with the client to assess and determine the client’s vocational interests and abilities, learning and communication styles. We will set up a short work experience with some of our clients to view and assess how they perform in an employment situation to ensure future employment fit.
We will also provide on the Job Coaching where we assist the employer with training their new employee and provide information to the employer on how best to work and communicate with them; for example: utilizing our discovery assessment results on how the client communicates, what their preferred learning style is and addressing their natural strengths and talents. We can also offer Employment Retention and Follow-up, where we continue to check in with the client on the job and provide support to the employer for up to a year.
This addresses the unique needs of this client group by providing knowledgeable team members who are experienced and trained in working with clients with disabilities and have developed a strong network of supportive employers who hire our clients.